UPDATED 6/29/2001
Below are links to spells I have written myself. PLEASE, DO NOT TRY THEM WITHOUT CASTING A CIRCLE AND DOING A RITUAL. IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING, DON'T DO THEM! I am not responsible if your house blows up, or you get burned at the stake! I'll provide the spells, you provide the responsibility.
I strongly suggest you ask Spirit before doing these spells, by doing a simple divination. To do this, get a strong bag, and two stones. Paint or mark one stone black, and don't mark the other stone (or mark it white). Put the stones in the bag, and say:
Holy Spirit, please let me know
Whether to do this spell, with a yes or no.
Close the bag, shake it up, and reach in without looking. Pull out a stone. If it's the white or unmarked one, it's a yes and you can go ahead. If it's the black one, then don't continue. Think of or find another magickal (or mundane) solution and ask again.
This section of the site will start small, and grow as I practice.