Pagan Teens : This site contains quite an extensive list of essays, info, etc. for young Pagans. It is a sub-section of The Witches' Voice, an extensive information site representing Pagans (it is different, in that they don't directly try to teach Witchcraft. You'd have to see for yourself).
Teen Wiccan Page : This site isn't too fancy, but it has some interesting stuff from one teen Wiccan, including excepts from his Book of Shadows.
Teen Wicca! : Not too informative, but quite light-hearted. A change of pace for the Net-surfing teen Wiccan.
Covenant of the Goddess Teen Resources : Very interesting, informative, simple and friendly stuff regarding teens and the Craft.
College Wicca : While this is beyond the general scope of this site, it may be an issue in a couple of years for some of you, so I put a link to it. It has info for the practicing college student who happens to be a Witch. :-)
The Grove Gazette : This site doesn't pertain to teens in particular, but it reports on news that is definitely of interest to the Pagan community.
alt.religion.wicca.moderated (Newsgroup) : If you've got access to Usenet newsgroups, this is a great discussion community without the flames. [If you need help with newsgroups, try this site.]
That's all for today, maybe more later! :-)
Blessed be, Canis Fidelis