Ingredients: Almonds, cinnamon, aloe (I used skin lotion), spearmint (I
used Tic-Tacs), salt, water.
Other stuff you'll need: A pot, a wooden spoon, a stove with a range, something
to grind almonds and whatever contains your spearmint, a bottle, a fine-holed
strainer, a funnel, a refrigerator, a Witch (like you), and about 15 minutes.
Side effects: Luck (aloe), healing (aloe & cinnamon), wisdom (almonds &
spearmint), blessings (the holy water factor)
- Directions: Put the water in the pot (I used about 2 cups).
- Put three pinches or shakes of salt in the water, stir clockwise three
times with your finger, cleanse, consecrate, and bless the water.
- Grind the almonds if required.
- Add the almonds to the pot.
- Grind whatever contains your spearmint, if required.
- Add the spearmint to the pot.
- Add your aloe to the pot.
- Add the cinnamon to the pot.
- Put the pot on the range, and heat on high heat until the water's at
a rolling boil.
- Allow the mix to boil for 10 minutes, stirring clockwise occasionally.
Envision your energy streaming down your arm, through the spoon, and into
the mix while stirring; also envision the energy from the burner (Element
of Fire) seeping into the mix. If mix threatens to boil over, reduce heat
- After 10 minutes, remove the pot from the heat. Stir well in a clockwise
- Get your bottle ready, and place the funnel into the bottle opening.
Place the strainer over the funnel.
- Pour the mix from the pot, through the strainer and funnel, and into
the bottle. Don't overfill! And don't let chunks get into the bottle.
- Close bottle tightly, label it, and put it in the refrigerator. I suggest
letting it chill for about 8 hours.
- As for any remaining mix (and chunks at the bottom of it), DON'T POUR
IT DOWN THE DRAIN! Take it outside and return it to the Earth. Be careful
not to splash it and scald yourself.
When the tincture has cooled, you can use it whenever you've got a big
test coming up, a large, mentally-involved task, or just whenever you need
INGEST IT! For example, my tincture used skin lotion, which could have some
nasty stuff you wouldn't want inside you. However, you could anoint yourself
with it, or dress candles with it for candle magick. One friend of mine
objected to the color, because it ended up looking like diarrhea (but it
didn't smell like it!). If you feel the same way, you could use food coloring
to change the color. One idea is, you could even anoint the pen or pencil
you're going to use for the test! Be creative. It's your tincture!