So what in the heck do you do on your Holy days? Do you snap photos with your friends on your Sabbats and Esbats? Or do you just dance and forget it later?
Photography has always been one of my favorite pursuits, so you'd better believe I carry it into my holidays! And now that I've got a digital camera, it's extremely easy to share it with y'all. :-)
These online photo albums are stored at HP Cartogra. Many photo storage and sharing sites exist - I chose Cartogra for my Sabbat/Esbat albums because it has some nice features, and also because you don't have to be a member to view pictures that are made public - unlike Zing.
In case you're wondering, my digital camera is a Sony Digital Mavica FD-73. Like the rest of the Mavica series, it records its images in JPEG format on 3.5", 1.44MB floppy disks. It's not the most advanced camera in the world, but it is versatile and good for most purposes.
I often celebrate my Holy days with my best friend, Silverwolf. He will show up often in these pictures - he's the redhead. Also, you'll probably see my familiar Bogie (the English Bulldog) there pretty often.
Have fun and blessed be! :-)
April 7, 2001 Esbat